Wrap Around Care

ActiveMe 360


ActiveMe 360 are delighted to announce that our wraparound care at Southway Primary school is now live to book on our website – you can secure your child’s space by clicking this link: Southway Primary School Wraparound Club 2024-25 | ActiveMe 360

Wraparound care will be available every day of the school year (excluding inset days) for breakfast (7:30 – 8:30am) and for after school services, which is split into two times slots (3:00 – 4:15pm & 3:00 – 6:00pm), there is also a top up session for those children attending other after school clubs (4:00 – 6:00pm). You can book which ever slots you need through our booking system and pay with card or by using Tax-free childcare/Childcare vouchers. 

Every slot will include a light breakfast or snack for the children, this is NOT a main meal, however, is in place to ensure children are not going hungry either side of the school day. This snack is built into the price of the provision which is charged at £5 per hour + food. If your child has dietary requirements, then please inform us when setting up your account on the booking system. 

The format will be child led throughout the service; for breakfast, the children will have choice between a wide range of low-key activities including, but not limited to, crafts, construction, reading. After school, the first hour and 15 minutes will be a club as explained in the brochure however, children can change which club they do from week to week. (The light snack will be included within this slot.) There will also be the opportunity for child led choices within this time slot. The final slot of the day will mirror the morning with children choosing what activities they wish to take part in.  

We cannot wait to welcome your children to our wrapround care provision and are excited to begin this journey with Southway Primary School. If you have any questions, then please drop our office an email – hello@activeme360.com or use the QR code below.

Best wishes 


ActiveMe 360 


P.S  Keep your eyes peeled for our summer holiday provision at Southway Primary school, announcement of dates and times to follow shortly. 



Wraparound Care Welcome Booklet