Our RHE curriculum at Southway Primary School is designed around the West Sussex Education for Safeguarding framework. The four cornerstones are:

Relationship Education

Our curriculum is designed to enable children to build the foundations for a future of healthy relationships. The content aims to give children the ‘tools’ necessary to form and sustain relationships with others that are based on mutual respect. We aim for them to understand what a balanced relationship is. Acceptance and respect for both ourselves and others as individuals will be the basis from which the children can learn how to manage conflict in a healthy way which helps to preserve relationships.

Physical Health and Wellbeing

The relationship between food, exercise, and the choices we make as individuals will be explored so that the children are able to develop good habits in relation to food, hygiene, and exercise. We aim to teach the children some basic emergency life skills within this curriculum so that they are aware of who to turn to when things go wrong.

Digital and Media Literacy

This module will cover topics that include safety online, being critical when looking at online information, online relationships, reputation, influence, and managing time online. We want our children to develop the necessary skills to keep themselves safe both physically and emotionally when online.

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

The children will learn how healthy relationships and care of our physical health all play a part in building resilience to help in times of challenge. However, as we all need help sometimes this module is about teaching children that they are not alone and where help can be found.  

To further support the children and families at Southway Primary, we have two learning mentors, a family link worker, and a counsellor.  In addition our learning mentors run a lunchtime ‘Courtyard’ club and ‘Jam’ breakfast club to support our most vulnerable children.

Our ethos at Southway Primary is to have a ‘growth mindset’ and enable our pupils to develop confidence in themselves by giving them memorable experiences and a positive learning environment.